window.oct8neIntegration = {}; window.oct8neIntegration.baseUrl = ""; window.oct8neIntegration.proxyUrl = ""; window.oct8neIntegration.get = function (options, done) { var url = options.url; var body = options.body; var headers = options.headers; // On ready callback let onReady = function (xhttp) { let status = xhttp.status; let data = xhttp.response; let ret = { status, data }; done(ret); }; // Send post var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function (e) { if ( === 4) onReady(; }; // Open and send"GET", url, true); // Set headers if (headers !== undefined) { for (let key in headers) { let value = headers[key]; xhttp.setRequestHeader(key, value) } } // Send request if (body === undefined) xhttp.send(); else xhttp.send(body); }; window.oct8neIntegration.getCartInfo = function (onDone) { window.oct8neIntegration.getShopifyCart(function (shopifyCart) { // Map items var items = => { let internalId = x.product_id; let title = x.title; let qty = x.quantity; let price = (x.price / 100).toString(); let ret = { internalId, title, qty, price }; return ret; }); // Map root let price = shopifyCart.total_price; let finalPrice = shopifyCart.original_total_price; let currency = shopifyCart.currency; let totalItems = shopifyCart.item_count; let cart = items; // Final ojbect let ret = { price, finalPrice, currency, totalItems, cart }; onDone(ret); }); } window.oct8neIntegration.getShopifyCart = function (onDone) { let url = `/cart.js`; window.oct8neIntegration.get({ url: url }, function (result) { if (result.status !== 200) { console.error(result); onDone(null); return; } // Parse response and return var cartInfo = JSON.parse(; onDone(cartInfo); }); } window.oct8neIntegration.getCustomerInfo = function (onDone) { // 1.- Get cart let getCartCallback = function (shopifyCart) { window.oct8neIntegration.getShopifyCustomer(function (shopifyCustomer) { getCustomerCallback(shopifyCustomer, shopifyCart) }) }; // 2.- Get customer let getCustomerCallback = function (shopifyCustomer, shopifyCart) { if (shopifyCustomer === null) shopifyCustomer = {}; // Map oct8ne object let id =; let firstName = shopifyCustomer.first_name; let lastName = shopifyCustomer.last_name; let email =; let wishList = null; // Map cart items var items = => { let internalId = x.product_id; let title = x.title; let formattedPrice = (x.price / 100).toString(); let formattedPrevPrice = (x.original_price / 100).toString(); let productUrl = x.url; let thumbnail = x.image; let qty = x.quantity; let ret = { internalId, title, formattedPrice, formattedPrevPrice, productUrl, thumbnail, qty }; return ret; }); let cart = items; let ret = { id, firstName, lastName, email, wishList, cart }; onDone(ret); }; // Execute all requests window.oct8neIntegration.getShopifyCart(getCartCallback); }; window.oct8neIntegration.getShopifyCustomer = function (onDone) { // Try get customer id let customerId = null; try { customerId =; if (customerId === undefined) customerId = null; } catch (e) { customerId = null; } // Do not continue if customer id was not found if (customerId === null) { onDone(null); return; } // Return customer id let url = `${window.oct8neIntegration.proxyUrl}/api/shopify/GetCustomer_FrontEnd?shopDomainWithProtocol=${window.oct8neIntegration.baseUrl}&customerId=${customerId}`; window.oct8neIntegration.get({ url }, function (response) { if (response.status !== 200) { console.error(response); onDone(null); return; } // Parse response let result = JSON.parse(; onDone(result.customer); }); }; var oct8ne = null; window.oct8neIntegration.loadOct8neScript = function () { // This will be replaced ================== var static = ""; //CAREFUL CAMBIAR EN PROD var license = "906A714A2A1231979B378D28C9B574B6"; var server = ""; var locale = Shopify.locale; var currency = ShopifyAnalytics.meta.currency; var shopUrl = window.oct8neIntegration.baseUrl; var srcSuffix = "api/v2/oct8ne.js"; var protocol = document.location.protocol; var seoFriendly = ""; var shopCountrySettings = "False"; // ============================== // Check everything was ok if (!static) throw 'Static was not defined'; if (!license) throw 'license was not defined'; if (!server) throw 'server was not defined'; if (!shopUrl) throw 'shopUrl was not defined'; //var staticurl = static + "api/v2/oct8ne.js"; //var staticurl = static + "/api/source/js/api/v2/2.3/debug/oct8ne-api-V2.3.js"; var staticurl = static + srcSuffix oct8ne = document.createElement("script"); oct8ne.type = "text/javascript"; oct8ne.src = (protocol == "https:" ? "https://" : "http://") + staticurl + '?' + (Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 86400000)); oct8ne.async = true; oct8ne.license = license; oct8ne.server = server; oct8ne.baseUrl = shopUrl; // Dominio de la tienda oct8ne.checkoutUrl = shopUrl + '/cart'; // DE TIENDA oct8ne.loginUrl = shopUrl + '/account/login'; // DE TIENDA //oct8ne.checkoutSuccessUrl = shopUrl + '/thankyou'; // DE TIENDA oct8ne.locale = locale; oct8ne.currencyCode = currency; oct8ne.platform = "shopify"; oct8ne.apiVersion = "2.4"; oct8ne.urlStaticPixel = static; oct8ne.onProductAddedToCart = function (productId) { if (typeof ajaxCart != 'undefined') { ajaxCart.refresh(); } }; oct8ne.realUrlLocationHost =; if (shopCountrySettings == "true") { oct8ne.options = { context: { country: } } } // If it is a product page var isShopifyProduct = === 'product'; if (isShopifyProduct) { var id =; var image = ""; var getJSON = function (url, callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.onload = function () { var status = xhr.status; if (status === 200) { callback(null, xhr.response); } else { callback(status, xhr.response); } }; xhr.send(); }; try { getJSON(window.Shopify.routes.root + 'products/' + window.location.href.substring(window.location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '.js', function (err, product) { if (err !== null) { oct8ne.currentProduct = { id, thumbnail: image }; } else { if (product && product.images) { image = product.images[0]; } oct8ne.currentProduct = { id, thumbnail: image }; } if (seoFriendly == "true") { if (document.cookie.indexOf("oct8ne-room") == -1) { setTimeout(insertOct8ne, 5000); window.addEventListener('mousemove', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('scroll', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('click', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('keydown', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('touchstart', insertOct8ne); } else { insertOct8ne(); } } else { insertOct8ne(); } }); } catch (e) { oct8ne.currentProduct = { id, thumbnail: image }; if (seoFriendly == "true") { if (document.cookie.indexOf("oct8ne-room") == -1) { setTimeout(insertOct8ne, 5000); window.addEventListener('mousemove', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('scroll', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('click', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('keydown', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('touchstart', insertOct8ne); } else { insertOct8ne(); } } else { insertOct8ne(); } } } else { if (seoFriendly == "true") { if (document.cookie.indexOf("oct8ne-room") == -1) { setTimeout(insertOct8ne, 5000); window.addEventListener('mousemove', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('scroll', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('click', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('keydown', insertOct8ne); window.addEventListener('touchstart', insertOct8ne); } else { insertOct8ne(); } } else { insertOct8ne(); } } // Make sure to init oct8ne when script was loaded oct8ne.onload = function () { if (!oct8ne.hasStarted) { oct8neInit(); Oct8ne.Helpers.log("Oct8ne started on load event (possible JS error on page)", "warn"); } } function insertOct8ne() { if (seoFriendly == "true") { if (!window.oct8neScriptInserted) { var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(oct8ne, s); window.oct8neScriptInserted = true; window.removeEventListener('mousemove', insertOct8ne); window.removeEventListener('scroll', insertOct8ne); window.removeEventListener('click', insertOct8ne); window.removeEventListener('keydown', insertOct8ne); window.removeEventListener('touchstart', insertOct8ne); } } else { var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(oct8ne, s); } } } window.oct8neIntegration.loadOct8neScript();